The Rose Window is an oracle book based on medieval illustrations of the degrees of the zodiac.
Note: To consult the oracle you need three special dice, an ordinary six-sided dice, a twelve-sided and a twenty-sided dice. You can get this on the internet in sets of 6 dice, used for Dungeons and Dragons.
Like the Chinese oracle I Ching – The Book of Changes, it contains oracle texts that help you gain insight into your life situation and suggest next steps. The oracle texts of The Rose Window are not so enigmatic that they require explanation. They are understandable, vivid, and relatable.
The Rose Window contains 360 images: short stories set in various countries and times. Some are historical, while others depict small situations from everyday life. Each story typifies a life situation in which we may find ourselves. The commentary on the stories provides a brief analysis of such general life problems and situations, each ending with a short piece of personal advice.
Someone might wonder why they are struggling to establish themselves in a new job. They receive the image “Thoughtless Behavior,” with the final advice, “Be aware of the consequences of your appearance and actions, and respond more thoughtfully.” Another person in a similar situation receives the image “Dismay,” with the advice, “Overcome your fear. Acknowledge the risks, but break the paralysis. First, regain control of your mind, then your hands, and finally your body.” In other words, first organize your thoughts, then your actions, and finally your emotions.
The short stories are based on ancient image series of the 360 degrees of the zodiac. In his introduction, Roel Heijboer discusses the history of these images. Below is one of the oldest illustrations, the 30 images and texts of the sign Leo, from a 13th-century manuscript in the Vatican Library. The Rose Window is a unique book to read and browse, but it truly comes to life with the three dice.
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